Meta-trixx - This is not a ritual
audio journey - performance at LenteKabinet Amsterdam 2022
Metatrixx full text - Lente Kabinet 2022
This is not a ritual
It is a game
Life is not a law
It is a game
Let’s play
We move through a simulation - a hyper-reality made of symbols and signs that become the truth itself. By embracing the plasticity of the simulation is the only way to surrender to the evolution of human consciousness. With mesmerising games of pretend is how we transcend the simulation - at the mercy of Maya, a veil of divine energies, we are all trixters.
To be is to deceive
To love is to deceive
To live is to deceive
To do is to deceive
To move is to deceive
All we do is to deceive
All we see is to deceive
This is not a ritual
It is a game
Life is not a law
It is a game.
Let’s play
Eyes on me
I’m a meta-trickster
I promise to always mislead you
And show you only what’s made belief
I promise I will play games with you
Because in the nature of all play
is the most sincere love
The edges of reality stretch
I come from the past
But this is not the present
I embody the future
In the now
And yet I’m not right here
My body transcends organic
Yet is not synthetic
A single entity living its duality
I am all and nothing at once
We play a game
This game has no rules
It is
Who am I
To awaken the trixxster consciousness we have to cleanse our mind of fixed meanings and one-sided attachments to the prevailing systems -
Learn that - What you see is not real, what you feel is not real, what you think is not yours
this is indeed something else entirely
All around you contains the meaning you assigned to it
The world stripped of this meaning - Is a different world
So why u looking so serious?
This is not a ritual
It is a game
Life is not a law
It is a game
Let’s play
All around us, nature patterns, are a game of deceit. According to Alan Watts, games of pretend are like divine wisdom, for they are played for the sole purpose itself - to be played. A trixxter that persist in his folly will become wise. Playing game of pretend is our path to transcend the simulation. According to Jung - following our ego, and its ridiculous meaning making, it will transcend itself.
I found my relief from trying to escape this simulation, as the only way out is in - only by embracing the enchanting games of pretend is how we transcend the simulation -
At the mercy of Maya, a veil of divine energies, we are all Trixxters
To be is to deceive
To love is to deceive
To live is to deceive
To do is to deceive
To move is to deceive
All we do is to deceive
All we see is to deceive
Now with a cleansed mind, begin observing your environment afresh. No longer containing meaning. begin to mimic it. You might notice where you have deceived yourself with overly identifying with one side. According to Alan Watts, games of pretend are like divine wisdom, for they are played for the sole purpose itself - to be played.
Therefore - I deceive - I play I live in Maya
There is something magical about producing a likeness of something - I move to deceive and pretend and mimic the nature around me - synthetic, fake, plastic, simulated, botched up, 3D, bodies.
James Frazer, in The Golden Bough (1995), refers to as ‘sympathetic magic’ or the Law of Similarity: the belief that there is a deep connection or ‘secret sympathy’ between things that are alike, and that the image of a thing can therefore wield power or influence over the thing itself. Sympathetic magic takes numerous forms in the rituals, ceremonies, images and objects of different cultures across time and throughout human history.
one believes at some level that the likeness of a thing holds some kind of connection to and power over the thing it represents.
To be is to deceive
To love is to deceive
I move to deceive
I live to deceive
I do to deceive
All i want is to be deceived
All i want is to
Trickery, and deceit, is necessary craft in healing -
Games and tricks have the central importance in transcendence - in zen - in rituality - we play games with each other - in psychotherapy we use self-deception mind tricks to trick patients our of old outdated patterns, and shamanism uses trickery to impress the patient for placebo effect - to leap into the unknown and shake out of stagnation and show biases.
In magic you use The law of similarity is - the belief that the likeness of a thing holds some kind of connection to and power over the thing it represents. So I camouflage, i move to deceive, I move to transcend the simulation.
Transcend the simulation.
Transcend the simulation.
Humans - we want to be swooned, hypnotised, idealised. We carry inherent desire to be deceived. According to Robert Greene, where we want the most, this is where we are most vulnerable to deception. We tend to turn a blind eye to whatever contradicts our desire or understanding of integrity. Our ignorance leads to hurt, our biases to pain, and we assign blame and surrender to victimhood.
Everyone has en element of duplicity in them
Everyone plays tricks
We all lie and pretend
Life is a drama and drama is an act it’s a deception
This is a hoax! This is a performance!
I use elements of rituality, but this is not a ritual.
I wear clothing designs inspired by rituality but this is not a ritual.
This is not a medicine bag - It is a metatrixx brand
This is not a ritual coat - it is a metatrixx brand
This is not a ritual circle - it is a rave with sixren music
Lets play -
Lets play -
And let me trick you
MetaTrixxster song
We all seek to be deceived
And we shall trick each other
Because the multiplicity of natural forms
is like a game, and game is like divine wisdom
It’s played for the sole purpose of playing
The Purest in intention
I promise to always mislead you
And show you only what’s made belief
I promise I will play games with you
Because In the nature of all play,
is the most sincere love.
Make the fiction real
You know this can’t be real
Only that can make you feel
Such a damn thrill
Eyes on me I’m avatar but ain’t playing game
See me wearing mugler tryna copying body frame
rendering your 3D frame bask in cyber fame
Speak double with a single tongue how I trick you
I been chosen im a symbol - I’m not here to save you
messages not hidden don’t reverse my speech
I don’t need to be allowed they know I’m siren
Moving to the side see me coming on horizon
Here we meet and flesh and I give you cyborgasm
Multilayered they can’t stop me how I raceeee
Change my shape every two days
Never Leave no trace no
(What am I )
multiply I merge and I plug in like I’m indigo
Synergize I purge and make em fall like ey domino
Alchemize I surge and I crush em like Im calypso
What am I
What am I
My oral vivid like my aural colors body wicked
I ain’t boay keeping you afloat I’m femme exhibit
Metahuman and My name become their mantra
Yeah They wanna fuck I say I do it tantra
Truly double faced he just a replica
Made of all that cream that’s synthetica
Cest ci nest pas un pipe
Dis optic illusion - how I twist and bend like that
Reality in fusion watch it blast it down infact
Do my dance see me bend like that
Like that - just like that
First I was a bird in a simulation
Holographic fur why I need no transportation
Then I was a lion and I hacked gene mutation
action femme with drones flying they inform
Whispers in this hybrid soil stand on i transform
What am I
Do this pussy like we in that cyborg manifesto
Metro pulling up it be scaring on d synth crow
Yin yang aura I’m a cy force in d flow
First I was a rainbow with a dark on meta glow
Donna harrAway try keeping on my tempo
multiply I merge and I plug im like indigo
What am I
What am I
( Trickster )
Serpent song
Serpent is a woman
Back and forth from the darkness
Protect this architecture
Walked a million miles
Gone to many places
Shed so many skins
Been too many faces
Seen the bloody traces
Back and forth from the darkness
Throwing myself in the circle and pursue d prey
Hypnotising you in circles go behave the way i say
you in a snake pit
No you can’t resist the bait
snake pattern on my bod - vision be X-ray
End up in my rib cage know I’m cutthroat
In waist coat
feed me poison too long got the antidote
I float
Like an angel but dis fangs long
Make em chase their tails so they can never betray
Give em fever Rush cray
Thats exactly what they crave
Circling in a loop and forgetting what they say
Not today
I’m impatient get before delay
Be digesting that ain’t no faul play
More toxic is my food
More pregnant with success
Go measure how it weight
Cuz it’s your due day!
Heard a snake hiss venomous
Feel me on these dark premises
I appear out the darkness
My power be so limitless Baroness
Move in serpentines pythoness
Move in circles wide villainess
Moves wave wavy on the precipice
Snake hiss love the nemesis
You know I got deadly poison that’s the
Move in serpentines
Grand circles got a grand influence
Hypnotize in loop elegant
In her time imperative
Feeding of their green envious
Fertilize my eggs with your hate
Turn them into mini mes and I’m gonna make you wait
Pregnant with success listen let me tell your fate
Slither in ur ear hearing
Loud how your vein pulsate
Split tongue
Split dress
Now he tryna Split me
Coming near - don’t dear
Cuz it getting late
Serpent wrap around
Till you can’t breathe no more
Born with the knowledge comes from deep inner source
Untamable hunter I’m Always on the right course
Rush when I enter
I’m chosen I’m guided
I’m all that you can’t be
A serpent I’m force
Back and forth from the darkness
Singularity song
Sin sin sin sin singularity
Sin sin sin sin singularity
Sin sin sin sin singularity
Sin sin sin sin singularity
words be wands they go hex so move along
Where u from - From the voids of sun
Yeah go figure Tom
Drones to my left and right now they coming whoo
clones balenciaga silicone organic caaa
They go Gaga like their aura be chromatica
real steel iron soldier fuck it like a clone
Body mega toned like a megatron
so dom
Lemme polish down make it shine real chrome
Watch I just
Strip it down Strip it - to the bone
thick chrome
Love a real tron
Make me ride on till dawn
Make me arch back like a metal dome
make it cream - foam
Choke n flip strip it down low
Only shining raw steel put me in d zone
Cuz he love me in control ha
Supernova on the move
Endless fuel
Change your dna undo
Chemistry be heading
Us to plan the wedding
They Ecstatic I be seeing future in my rear view
Speeding hunter
See me in a chrome coupe
Bing bang boo
Blind me with the chaos let us drive through
I just wanna taste the moment i’m dissolving into
Cuz a moment feel forever I know what you want boo
Me too
Give you pass to this hourglass
Pressure broke
Now we in dis a timeless mess
Yeah you
Get me falling like im in a ravers trance
No return nah don’t even glance
steady on expand
Cuz the Wheels fast we outruning futures tense
No suspense
Cuz I take my own
give no second chance
looking at no signs
Drive it See I’m making air bend
Real dense
want it to make sense
Nah No thanks
Expand expand expand
Till you’re all and nothing
singularity is grand